Thursday, March 3, 2011

FIghting For American Soldiers

my heart`s breakin`
like the foundation
of a house in an earthquake
maybe they made a mistake
got the rong name
they`re at the rong place
he has a bullet in his head
and you`re happy he`s dead
all he did was fight for you
layed down and died for you
now you`re saying thank God for dead soldiers
can`t wait till this war is over
and with every dead soldier
the end gets closer
he gave his life to protect your right
to stand up and fight
for what you feel is right
so you use it against him
and the rest of them
the women and men
who risk everything
so you can stay free
and how do you repay them
you show up with your friends
while he`s still warm in the grave
to make jokes about the sacrifices he made
tell his family that their fallen soldier is going to dwell
forever in the lake of fire called hell
well God aproved the war of the Isrealites
he said that was alright
you think violence isn`t right
you preach the word of God
while trying to deny fallen soldiers burrial plots
they`re reason you`re free
to be the dumb asshole you choose to be
and you seem to think
you need to show up at funerals
and memorials
to express yourself
and tell them to go to hell
I`m so sick of this shit
I guess what it comes down to is
you all need your asses kicked
you don`t care that without these soldiers
you`re country would be over

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