Friday, March 25, 2011

My 8 Mile Story

someday I`m gonna be a star
I`ll top the charts and win the hearts
of people near and far
they`ll all scream my name
when they see me on the stage
I know some people can`t handle the fame
they go insane from the game
I guess the media`s to blame
but I made up my mind
I`m still gonna try
it`s like an 8 mile story
raised poor and now seeking glory
I want to sing songs
I write them all night long
when the lights go out
I keep thinking about
all my hopes and doubts
then the rymes start flying
through mind and I can`t sleep at night
till I right them down
I have to get them out
so I can clear my head
and go to bed
wake up thinking of more
write so many it makes my hand`s sore
I guess I`ve always liked to wrie songs
country rock and hip hop
any style I just can`t stop
I tend to idolize Brad Paisley
and Slim Shadey
I have the pictures on my walls
to me they`re ten feet tall
they inspired me
to be all I can be
I don`t depend on sempathy
so most oppinions don`t bother me
so haters can keep hatin`
it`s their own time they`re wastin`

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


you`re actin` like you know me
well enough to clone me
walkin` around here like you own me
I don`t care who you are
you can be the biggest star
I can garuntee
you will respect me
cause the next time you get in my face
Im gonna put you in your place
I`ll have you on your knees
in the middle of the street
cause I ain`t the kind to beg nigga please nigga please
I ask once and that`s enough
I don`t mind gettin` rough
cause believe me I can handle you
you have no clue what I`ve been through
and what the hell is wrong with you
you look like you just escaped from a zoo
have you ever heard of shampoo
you`re saying I`m a cracker
and that makes me a slacker
bitch you`re just jelous of my swagger
you`re really gonna throw my race
in my face HA! I`m not phased
cause your talentless ass can be replacd
you think you can try to tell me who I am
sayin` I`m as bland as a can of spam
you think I care if you`re a fan
and being from Ohio
doesn`tmake you ghetto
you`re a stupid hoe
go back and stand on your corner
if you get hit by a car there won`t be any mourners
cause just talking to you is torture
sometimes I visualize you flying through the air
while people around you stare
at the clumps of blood in your hair
you`ve talked shit for so long
and now Im done trying to stay calm
why should I be the one to walk
I`m done being nice
it`s time to fight
you can run annd hide
but you can`t change my mind
my patience is gone
so you can fly to Hong Kong
or skick around
and end up on the ground
face down wonderin` how
you screwed up this bad
after all the chances you had
to shut up and walk away
I told you I don`t play no games

Friday, March 4, 2011


people running their mouths
about things they know nothing about
walking around, their heads in the clouds
my patience has run out
all these fools trying to act cool
they think they run the school
they think they can talk shit
calling me a little bitch
or a stupid snitch
they don`t know me
they just go by what they see
I don`t care who they`re trying to be
I`m done with these little two faced brats
talking shit behind my back
I`m bout to go on the attack
they`re gona get a back fist to the face
if they keep trying to invade my space
they need to find a new place
to spread their lies
since they can`t get their own lives
they`re to caught up in mine

Thursday, March 3, 2011

FIghting For American Soldiers

my heart`s breakin`
like the foundation
of a house in an earthquake
maybe they made a mistake
got the rong name
they`re at the rong place
he has a bullet in his head
and you`re happy he`s dead
all he did was fight for you
layed down and died for you
now you`re saying thank God for dead soldiers
can`t wait till this war is over
and with every dead soldier
the end gets closer
he gave his life to protect your right
to stand up and fight
for what you feel is right
so you use it against him
and the rest of them
the women and men
who risk everything
so you can stay free
and how do you repay them
you show up with your friends
while he`s still warm in the grave
to make jokes about the sacrifices he made
tell his family that their fallen soldier is going to dwell
forever in the lake of fire called hell
well God aproved the war of the Isrealites
he said that was alright
you think violence isn`t right
you preach the word of God
while trying to deny fallen soldiers burrial plots
they`re reason you`re free
to be the dumb asshole you choose to be
and you seem to think
you need to show up at funerals
and memorials
to express yourself
and tell them to go to hell
I`m so sick of this shit
I guess what it comes down to is
you all need your asses kicked
you don`t care that without these soldiers
you`re country would be over


he is the clumsy hound
who wonders around
face pressed to ground
his nose leading the way
he makes my day
when I`m so mad I can`t see
he`s always right at my feet
cause he knows sometimes that`s all I need
he trips all the time
I don`t mind
he`s so clumsy
but he`s my puppy
have to hold his ears when he eats gravy
don`t want any to get on my baby
his ears hang down low
when his heads hangs out the window
the they blow in the wind
they say dogs are mans best friend
I can see why
Scoobert`s always by my side
day or night
he`s my hound puppy
yeah he`s my little buddy

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Never Say You Love Me

If I fell would you catch me
if I left would you miss me
if I packed my bags
would you even be sad
would you be reminiscing
about things that you`d be missing

you never say you love me
how hard could it be
makes me feel like you don`t care
and I think it`s only fair
if you love me tell me so
if not just let me go

we had so many good times
even through all the lies
but I can`t live with this neglect
how much do you regret

you never tell me you love me
how hard could it be
makes me feel like you don`t care
and I think it`s only fair
if you love me tell me so
if not just let me go

you`re still not talking
I`m about to start walking
across the floor
out the door
my bags are packed
not looking  back

cause you never told me you loved me
how hard could it be
and after all that time
you couldn`t even look in my eyes
so I got my bags packed
I`m leaving and never coming back

From the Outside

Have you ever had a dream
where you see something
then you wake up and it happens
do you understand this madness
it happens to me almost daily
if I tell people they`ll think I`ve gone crazy
lock me up in a padded room
and I`ll sit there drowning in my own gloom
I didn`t ask to be this way
but most of the time it`s okay
I`m a christian
and I think it`s a gift amen
I go through things my friends don`t understand
they can`t give me a helping hand
I see what God wants me to see
the only people who understand it are my family
I don`t want to complane
things have always been this way
and there`s no need for change
but sometimes it feels like
I`m looking at my world from the outside
staring through a window pain
I know it may sound insane
but it`s reality
kind of like gravity
can`t fight it, can`t stop it
might as well embrace it

Don`t Touch My Milk

Looks like the time has come
to load my gun
I got my super soaker
I told you this isn`t over
stand still, this won`t hurt
I pull the trigger and squirt
the red stain will never come out
I filled it with Koolaid so you know what I`m about
I was gunna fill it with nesquik
but let`s be realistic
I would have drank it before I used it
and I`m trying to make a point
cause I`m so anoyed
think you can take my stuff
revenge is guna be tough
I told you not to mess with my nesquik
you won`t beleive how bad things are gunna get

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Money and Murder

some rich jerks
treat others like dirt
they think money is everything
it`s so obscene
can`t understand these people
they think money is evil
think it makes them better
they think it makes them more clever
money does`t change people
it doesn`t make you evil
some people would do anything
just to fill theirs needs
they live with greed
they have no creed
lust is one of seven deadly sins
don`t beleive me read the bible again
I`m not a pacifist
I`ll knock someone out quick
I beleive in eye for an eye
and I love to fight
but I would never take a life
unless someone tried to take mine
I know war is unavoidable
and that`s understandable
but people that kill
for the thrill
all deserve the same
life of shame and pain
locked up and wrapped in chains
people killing for no reason
what have their parents been teachin`
that money is evil?
it can`t control peole

The Battle

I see the scars
and I remember it all
you grabbed my arm
and jumped on back
so I knocked you out
don`t even know what that fight was about
neither did your freinds
but that didn`t stop them
from jumping in
they all grabbed weapons
they were suprised
when they realized
they couldn`t win
was I the only one who knew how it would end
thought you could jump me
how dumb could you be


someday I hope to be a celebrity
but these people keep hanging out with me
cause they think someday I`ll be on a poster
I`m so sick of all these posers
they blend in with my freinds
they say they`re with me till the end
but when touble comes
they all run
I get knocked down
they`re not around
get back on my feet
cause I refuse to be beat
they come back
now I`m mad
feeling hurt and betrayed
can`t put up with them another day
I don`t need them to be me
I don`t need fame or money
I want to tour with Brad Paisley
that would be amazing
but at the end of the day
I have to be able to say
I did my best
I earned respect
and I`m still me
that hillbilly girl from Tennessee


I feel so numb
I call your name but you don`t come
and I know you never will again
I stood by you till the end
but I still blame myself
for not being able to help
I have no control over life and death
but when the doctor said you were gone
I thought he was wrong
but as time goes on
hopes of your return fade
I know you wouldn`t want to live this way
they ask me to pull the plug I give the okay
tears stream down my face as I watch you slip away
they said there was no chance of recovery
but still it was hard for me
to do the right thing
or even hear myself think
cause things got so mixed up it was hard to tell
right from wrong and heaven from hell

My Addiction

I`m popping bottles
going full throttle
pop off the lid
and take a sip of nesquik
I know I have an addiction
can`t improve my condition
I tried to get better on my own
but I can`t do it alone
I drink it everyday
try to stop but there`s no way
I need some one to reach out to
I`ve tried chocohalics anonymis
they blamed it all on politics
I wanted a change
and it may sound insane
but now I know
I`m not alone
suddenly it doesn`t sound so bad
so I`m checkin` out of rehab
I`m buying a big bottle
and I`ll drink it all

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Beast

you take lives and destroy families
leaving freinds and relatives with nothing but memories
of what used to be
you force them to leave
they have children they will never meet
you don`t care
not a single one do you spare
you take your time with some
they sit in pain while you have your fun
you take people from everyone
the old and the young
you took my papaw before I got to meet him
my freinds mamaw you`ve made terminally ill
some say you can`t be stoped
although the battle is long
you will someday fall
and the world will cheere when you gone


We used to hang out everyday
when you were stressed you`d go to my house to get away
you used to be so honest
you were even kind of modest
now I can`t beleive a word you say
I need you and you walk away
I cought you steeling money from my purse
and that`s not even the worse
I know I`m loosing you
but I don`t know what to do
I heard you robbed a store
I don`t even know you anymore
you use to be a pacefist
now you carry guns with extra clips
you won`t even tell me why you changed
did you just go insane
you gotta help me out
cause I don`t know what this is about
are you gunna let are freindship slip away
without even telling why it all changed

Lie About Love

You said I was the only one you would ever love
You said you just couldn`t get enough
said you`d never leave cause it was just too tough
I was ready to give you everything
you gave me nothing
and said you were leaving

I couldn`t beleive you were leaving
you took my love
and gave me nothing
I guess you had enough
and now I`m second guessing everything
I`m trying to get over you but it`s so tough

now just waking up is tough
I have a fear of everyone leaving
you made me regret everything
you made it impossable for me to love
I hope you`ve had enough
cause you left me with nothing

below me there`s nothing
I`m getting better but it`s tough
as for you I`ve had enough
your next girl you`ll soon be leaving
don`t come back here cause I`ve found somebody new to love
and unlike you he gives me everything

I tried to give you everything
but you cheated yourself into nothing
now you have no one to love
your life is now so tough
people won`t stop leaving
cause they`ve all had enough

looks like you finally had enough
you`re getting paid back for everything
your hopes of redemption will soon be leaving
then you`ll really have nothing
I know it sucks and it`s really tough
but that`s what happens when you lie about love

you ask me for another chance in love, but like I said I`ve had enough
I know it`s tough cause you`ve lost everything
now you`ve got nothing, so did you have fun leaving

Best Freinds

any time anywhere
when I need you you`re always there
you always come through for me
you never judge me you just let me be Bailey
you know my secrets and I know yours
we help each other with regrets and chores
when I went through my hardest time
you were the only one who stood by my side
all the others ran away
and hoped for a better day
you don`t care what its about
if I`m in trouble you`re there to help out
you`re my best freind and I`m yours
if you need help or wanna hang that`s what I`m here for
I will catch you if you fall
you don`t have to do it all
after everything you`ve done for me
you`re like famiy

Brad Paisley

Brad Paisley I love all your songs
when I hear em I can`t help but to sing along
"online," "celebrity," both my favorite
I wanna be like you, I hope I make it
got your pictures on my wall
great voice and guitar, you`re ten feet tall
send an autograph my way
I listen to you everyday
you truly inspire me
I wanna meet you, fly me your way
I`ll be your maid
don`t care if I get paid
being with you is enough for me
I want a picture with you, so everybody can see
fame is what I crave
we live in the land of the free, home of the brave
I record you on DVR and press save
i watch you a dozen times before I press erase
I`d give anything just to see you face
country music, you`re in first place
I know there`s differences between us two
doesn`t mean I can`t meet you
a lot of peaple love you, I love you too
thinking about you gives me something to do
if I wrote you would you write back
put X`s and O`s on the bottom, I`d like that

I Once Dreamed of Us

As days go by I wonder why
I let myself beleive your lies
now my world`s spinning around
my dreams you let down
looking at us now it`s hard to beleive
that I once dreamed of you and me
that we would weather this world together
and love each other forever
but I guess it`s time to open my eyes
and realize that there`s a truth behind your lies